
How Digital Transformation Increases Efficiency, Security & Compliance In The ROI Process

The Evolution Of Medical Records Retrieval Software

The traditional ROI model is inefficient and insecure. It frequently relies on outdated and unreliable transmission methods, including fax, email and postal mail for business-to-business medical and billing record delivery. As cyber criminals increasingly target lucrative healthcare records, organizations can reduce risks by eliminating insecure communications that are subject to phishing, malware and accidental delivery errors.

Learn how HIE Portals work and the 4 primary reasons healthcare organizations are switching.

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Learn Learn How HIE Portals Work & The Four Primary Reasons Healthcare Organizaations Are Switching.

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4 Powerful Reasons Healthcare Organizations Are
Switching To A B2B Medical Records Retrieval Software Portal

#1 Improve Efficiency, Reduce Costs & Position Provider Organizations For Growth

Healthcare organizations are facing a rising volume of third-party medical record requests that are impacting staffing and budgets. Full-time employee (FTE) hours required to fulfill records requests for both third-party requestors, such
as law firms and insurance companies, as well as other providers, is extensive and generally requires multiple phone calls, emails and other written communications on both sides.

Organizations that move to a B2B HIE solution, can use a single portal with a digital workflow for all interactions.

Benefits Of Moving To A B2B HIE Portal

  • Reduce Cost & Increase Collections
  • Streamline Accounts Payable Operations
  • Manage Employee Productivity
  • Positioned For Organizational Growth

#2 Take Back Control Of ROI Operations

B2B HIE solutions should offer a medical record software portal with a flexible, digital workflow. This enables organizations to design a process that fits their business needs, rather than trying to fit their organization into an ROI vendor’s process. With the traditional in-house ROI model, when a request comes into the hospital, many organizations have to manually route it using paper or email to different departments – a process that increases PHI disclosure risks and potential processing delays (another compliance concern). Since not all parties can access the same portal, there can be delays and breakdowns in communications.

Using A Single Release HIE Portal Boosts Operational Efficiency

  • Secure Digital Workflow With Automatic Routing
  • Organizations never have to worry about how to appropriately identify legitimate vs. illegitimate requests for information
  • Full transparency and control
  • 21st Century Business Model Support

#3 Decrease Cybersecurity Risks

Using an integrated, cloud-based, B2B HIE record retrieval software portal, is less expensive, more secure, and less work than designing, maintaining, testing, and securing a home-grown ROI system. All users and activity goes through
the secure, encrypted portal. This eliminates the risks from unsecured fax, non-encrypted email errors, stolen postal mail, phishing schemes and more – problems that in-house and traditional ROI systems incur.

Moving Transactions To A B2B HIE Increases Security

  • Enterprise-Grade Cyber Security
  • Reduced PHI Disclosure Risks
  • Reduced IT Expenses & Headaches

Did You Know?

58 percent of SMBs, such as physician practices, surveyed experienced a data breach in the previous year.
Phishing is one of the top attack vectors in 2019, and a huge risk in the ROI services industry. A recent survey found that 83% of respondents experienced a phishing attack in 2018, and that a successful attack costs a mid-size enterprise organization $1.6 million.
74% of SMBs surveyed said they do not have the personnel to effectively address cybersecurity risks.
A good B2B HIE offers enterprise-grade cybersecurity with a secure, encrypted portal that stays at the cutting edge to reduce breach risk. It is frequently safer and less expensive than any internal software solution.

#4 Reduce The Risk Of Compliance Violations

A good B2B HIE is easy and safe to manage. Some companies worry about the liability of using a B2B HIE. Yet, a good B2B HIE solution provides more control and visibility into the process, so it generally reduces the risk associated with other methods.

B2B HIE Reduces Risk

  • Verification Of All User Requests
  • Providing Comprehensive Digital Tracking
  • Compliance Fail-Safe

As healthcare organizations move to digital ROI processing, selecting a B2B HIE portal can offer a simple, secure, HIPAA-compliant solution that enables processors to turn a cost center into a net revenue generator. Moving ROI requests into a digital B2B HIE offers processors and fulfillers complete visibility into the process, as well as increases the efficiency, security and profitability of ROI fulfillment.

To get the full details and learn more, please download our white paper.

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Providers, Ready To Improve Security When Sending Medical Records?